
Friday 5 December 2014

The Guardian: ''Hatsune Miku: Japan’s holographic pop star might be the future of music''


Seriously, when I first saw this - and in the Guardian's weekend Guide accompaniment, no less - I was pretty over the moon. Coming as it did during the peak of my Miku obsession (I'd just got my hands on a copy of Project Diva F2nd, ok?) it felt like everything Miku-related was cresting toward some kind of cultural singularity.

She'd performed on David Letterman, mainstream Western press was writing about her - and seriously too, not as a gimmick to be dismissed out of hand. Give it another year or two, I told myself, and then we'll be really making some headway. Maybe she'd even have a Gangnam Style mega-viral hit and the gates of Heaven / J-Pop cornucopia would be unleashed on the West at long last.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking...